Peri and Strength Training, #1 to your Metabolism!

#3 Strength Training

Resistance training, lifting weights, strength training. Find a way to do it, more now than ever before is it an important part of your health through the menopause transition.

But lucky me, strength training is something I have done since my post-college years! I always wanted to know more, it wasn’t enough for me to hit the gym and just throw around weights without knowing the why and the what!

Well, wouldn’t you know, lifting weights is right up there with aerobic exercise in order of importance, especially for women entering peri-menopause and beyond. The action of contracting the muscle itself on uber important HORMONES like insulin and estrogen, the MAINTENANCE and QUALITY of current muscle (body composition, anyone?), and the downstream effect on METABOLISM and BONE DENSITY, are all reasons to get your ass to the gym, or find a way to lift at home.

Hormone sensitivity is the name of the game, and Strength Training is going to help immensely with that! I am not talking about those pink 5lb weights either, I am talking about lifting heavy shit, and often.

“But what about aerobic exercise?” You can’t do just one, you NEED them both.

  1. Strength Train at least 2x/week, ideally 3-4x/week! Depending on how many days you commit, your training splits will be total body each day, or broken up to hit different muscle groups as you get closer to 4x/week.

  2. Progress your training volume (amount of reps/exercises/times per week), then intensity (lower volume, heavier weight) and undulate these two, making sure you have weeks that are also easier and focus on recovery.

  3. If you are new to weight lifting, you can achieve a stimulus with just bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, dips, step-ups, and the list goes on. You will want to find yourself a resistance band or a TRX type strap however, to get your pulling motions in. At some point, you will need to progress to weight-bearing!

  4. Not sure where to start? Find a strength class at a gym, hire a trainer, find a program online, or ask a friend that can show you the ropes. Don’t let the weight room intimidate you! There is nothing like lifting weights to make a gal feel confident and empowered. (Of course you can reach out to me if you need assistance finding the right entry point for you!)

Jess Voyer

Jess is a certified personal trainer with the NSCA, a Precision Nutrition Level 1 graduate, certified in Metabolic Flexibility with Dr. Mike T. Nelson, coached by Author and Nutritionist Georgie Fear, R.D., CSSD, and most recently has certified in Menopause for Athletes with Dr. Stacy Sims. She is constantly learning and striving for new information to stay up to date for herself and her clients, to help solve the sometimes complicated problems we as women can face when it comes to our training, diet and lifestyles.

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